Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Upgrading Drupal 5 to Drupal 6

Once again Drupal is just such a treat to work with. The amount of documentation available on the internet is amazing. If the proprietory software houses learn something from this they may give the open source stables a go. Everything I needed was a Google search away. Thank you. I am especially grateful for this data migration script: http://drupal.org/node/311442
Porting Views manually was a bit painfull and well woth the exercise for what we got in return.
Thank you Drupal Community for being UBER AWESOME!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Xmas madventurers!

So Stefan spoiled himself with a Landcruiser this Christamas. He's been back in South Africa for a while and plans to start up a company to do adventure tours and safaris, starting around here and spreading into the rest of Africa.
To this end he has also been recruiting Wesley and myself and together we have started to have quite some delightful fun. Fun, fun and more fun.
She's been baptised, The Monster and will take us to some of the more remote and hard to reach places and you should join us if you love fun and adventures. She is fitted out with leather seats and we could potentially squeeze in seven people on shorter trips or six for more comfort on the long hauls. We picked her up in Durban yesterday and it was the first time I enjoyed such a luxurious comfortable drive back to Mtunzini. Absolutely yummy. It is understandable why people get so attached to their luxury vehicles. Just switch on the Cruise control, sit back in generous space adjust the climate settings to your individual liking and enjoy the ride. Mind you, there is so much space, I am sure you could fit on my lap :).
If you are up for some adventurous fun, getting out into nature and enjoying this planet's rich bounty, then watch this space. We will suggest some routes and a schedule in the near future. We hope you will get in touch with us with your hopes and desires.
Merry Xmas madventurers! May your wildest dreams come true!

Mtunzini is being spoiled even before it becomes a mine dump

Mtunzini's beautiful forest view recently suffered a brutal assault. Some aesthetic genius decided to stick his erection right in what used to be an unspoiled view. Does the visually perceivable space not belong to everyone who can see it? What is next? Billboards? Sky scrapers?
I was shocked when I walked along my favourite trail marked as 'Chalets' through the forest into the grass field next to Nature's way backpackers on the way to the beach. Suddenly there was this big white blotch where there used to be green. As you can see in the accompanying photos. Shocked because I was led to believe that people in this town have some aesthetic values they set out to protect. And other people have had to break down their third story developments in the past. Strict restrictions are placed on everyone else. And somehow this entity managed to impose their tastelessness on us.
It's all part of of a larger aesthetic value decay. Since the mining industry in the body of Exxaro will start mining the space 100 meters from village, the whole place will look like a mine dump, so what difference does one boil make?